About the books: |
About the Author: |
About The "Bridges Pro" Program: |
The Fairy Wobble- Although a "stand alone", it is Book One in the Garden of the Seasons Series.
Each season will have take reader's on new journeys to Mother Nature's Garden, Happy's Farm and many other magical places around the world. Here's a look at what's coming... Gnome Slide - (Summer) Available in 2020 Unicorn Swirl - (Fall) Coming Fall 2019 Dragon’s Breath - (Winter) Available in 2020 And “Elves Up North” - (Christmas) Available now... www.ElvesUpNorth.com About 1X Publishing:Click on Logo below for more info:
I am L. L.Walters. I'm all about making smiles and I live on "Happy's Farm"!!!
It is a 60 acre farm described in the book series the "Garden of the Seasons". After taking care of my father in a wheelchair for 5 years, I realized no matter what your age, everyone just wants to have a little fun! In that spirit, I am writing these books to entertain people of all ages, to help "build bridges" between the gaps of generations. For there's no one out there that can't always use an extra smile! ;) I have also written the "Elves Up North" - an interactive Christmas tale about Castor the Elf, who is looking to find his last name so he can belong to a family. I have donated many copies of the Elves Up North to children's hospitals, senior centers and nursing homes and plan to do still more moving forward! If you know of any organizations who might be interested - let me know! I love to make smiles!!! ;) - L. L. Walters |
Want to MAKE EXTRA CASH doing charity work???
Read these books to Senior Centers, Nursing Homes, Charities, etc. and GET PAID! Complete details COMING SOON to make some smiles!!! Limited spots so sign up TODAY to hold one for YOU... |